10 Common Mistakes We Make When Doing Laundry (And How to Avoid Them)

4. Putting in the wrong amount of detergent

You may have found detergent residues in your clothes after doing laundry: a sign that you have used too much. Don’t overdo the amount of detergent: putting too much can actually have the opposite effect.

5. Overdoing the bleach

Bleach is a useful product, but it is toxic and can ruin our laundry forever. Bleach should only be used on white laundry, and a very small amount is enough to obtain the desired results.

If possible, soak your laundry in a bucket filled with water and a small amount of bleach before running a wash cycle.

6. Mix underwear with the rest of the laundry

Underwear should be washed separately to avoid losing socks, bras or other items forever.

7. Don’t clean the washing machine

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