How To Detect Negative Energies At Home Using Only A Glass Of Water

Detecting negative energies in your home using a glass of water is a method rooted in spiritual and metaphysical practices rather than scientific evidence. It involves observing water’s interaction with its environment as a symbolic tool. Here’s a step-by-step guide to try this technique:
A clear glass (it should be transparent and without patterns or designs).
Clean, filtered water.
Coarse sea salt or regular table salt.
Prepare the Glass:
Fill the glass with water, leaving some space at the top to avoid spilling.
Add three generous pinches of salt to the water. Let it dissolve.
Place the Glass:
Put the glass in the area of your home where you feel the energy is off or stagnant.
Common places include corners of rooms, near doors, or in areas where conflicts often occur.
Make sure the glass remains undisturbed and out of reach of pets or children.
Leave It Overnight:

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