Title: « How to Whiten Yellow Clothes Without Chlorine: 5 Easy Homemade Hacks »
Introduction: Yellowing clothes, especially white or light-colored garments, can be a common problem, whether it’s from sweat, body oils, or simply time. Many of us rely on chlorine bleach to tackle this issue, but the harsh chemicals can damage fabrics over time and aren’t ideal for delicate or colored clothes. Fortunately, there are natural and homemade remedies to whiten yellow clothes without the use of chlorine. These methods are gentle on fabrics, eco-friendly, and effective at restoring your clothes to their bright, fresh state!
1. Baking Soda Soak
Baking soda is a versatile household item that’s perfect for brightening yellowed clothes. It helps lift stains, neutralize odors, and maintain fabric integrity.
How to Use: