Begonia ‘Moon Butterfly’: Care Guide and Overview

Place the plant in bright, indirect light to enhance its foliage coloration.
Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch its delicate leaves.
If grown outdoors, choose a location with dappled light or partial shade.
2. Watering
Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.
Use room-temperature water to avoid shocking the roots.
Ensure the pot has drainage holes, as waterlogged soil can lead to root rot.
3. Humidity
Ideal humidity levels: 50–70%.
Increase humidity by:
Placing a tray of water and pebbles beneath the plant (without the pot touching the water).
Using a humidifier.
Grouping it with other humidity-loving plants.
4. Soil
Use a well-draining, rich potting mix, such as one formulated for begonias or African violets.
Adding perlite or sand can improve drainage.
5. Temperature

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