Various Uses Of L’ail
As mentioned so far’ail has various properties and benefits for the body and our health. First of all’ is an excellent antifungal and natural antibiotic as it is rich in’a property called allicin that acts as a antibacterial and allows our body to fight against the proliferation of bacteria. But not only. C’is excellent for the prevention of fungi.
The ease is also excellent for fight against the viruses and the seasonal affections. In this case, it is not only popular belief that intervenes, but also science. In fact, some scientists claim that’ail acts against the spread of certain viruses and although’il n’y has no 100% evidence as research is still ongoing, some are firmly convinced that’il has a great antiviral property.
In fact, it is not uncommon to hear grandmothers say that to avoid getting flu or the classical cold, you just have to eat garlic. Garlic is also used for cholesterol and blood pressure . Concretely, as we well know, over the years, bad cholesterol could clog the walls of the arteries and this means that everything must be done to avoid this.
In this case,’ail possesses of properties incredible that lower the level of LDL in our body. But we almost all know that’il is often consumed to lower blood pressure and make it much less dense. Finally,’ail is important for beautiful and healthy skin. Although’he is’a very appreciated ingredient in the kitchen, we know that’il has excellent’s aesthetic and healthy properties .
Indeed, it is composed of starchy and mucilaginous’elements and these characteristics are important to avoid the proliferation of l’skin acne. Finally, it has a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property that helps to heal the kidneys and liver. But now let’s move on to the’object that interests us: why burn some’ at home ?