Royal Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum ‘Dark Velvet’): Care Guide and Features

Royal Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum ‘Dark Velvet’): Care Guide and Features
The Royal Begonia ‘Dark Velvet’ is a dramatic and luxurious variety of Begonia rex-cultorum, prized for its richly colored, velvety foliage. Its leaves often feature a deep burgundy or black-purple hue with shimmering highlights, making it a favorite for both indoor plant collections and shaded outdoor gardens.

Key Characteristics
Scientific Name: Begonia rex-cultorum ‘Dark Velvet’
Common Name: Royal Begonia ‘Dark Velvet’
Plant Type: Perennial (grown as a houseplant or annual in cooler climates)
Height: 12–18 inches (30–45 cm)
Spread: 12–24 inches (30–60 cm)
Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light or partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well-draining, nutrient-rich soil
Temperature: Warm (60°F–75°F / 15°C–24°C)
Humidity: High (50–70%)
Care Instructions
1. Light
Provide bright, indirect light to maintain vibrant foliage color.
Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the delicate leaves.
Indoors, place near an east- or north-facing window or use grow lights.
2. Soil
Use a light, well-draining potting mix enriched with organic matter.
A mix of peat moss, perlite, and standard potting soil works well for Royal Begonias.
3. Watering
Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
Use room-temperature water and avoid getting water directly on the leaves to prevent fungal spots.
Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.
4. Temperature and Humidity
Temperature: Keep the plant in a warm environment between 60°F–75°F (15°C–24°C). Protect it from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.
Humidity: High humidity is essential for healthy growth. Increase humidity by:
Using a pebble tray with water under the pot.
Placing a humidifier nearby.
Grouping it with other humidity-loving plants.
5. Fertilizer
Feed every 4–6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.
Reduce or stop fertilizing in fall and winter when growth slows.
6. Pruning and Maintenance
Remove yellowing or damaged leaves to keep the plant looking tidy.
Pinch back leggy stems to encourage bushier growth.

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