Title: « 6 Effective Ways to Keep Your Orchids Blooming All Year Round »

Use a balanced orchid fertilizer (20-20-20) diluted to half strength.
Feed the plant once a month during the growing season (spring and summer).
Stop fertilizing during the dormant phase, usually after blooming.
4. Provide the Right Temperature and Humidity
Why It Matters: Orchids are tropical plants that thrive in warm, humid environments.
How to Do It:
Keep daytime temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) and nighttime temperatures around 60-70°F (16-21°C).
To simulate their natural environment, ensure a slight drop in temperature at night—it often triggers flowering.
Maintain humidity levels between 50-70%. Use a humidifier or place a water tray with pebbles near the plant.
5. Repot When Necessary
Why It Matters: Orchids in old, compacted, or decomposed media struggle to absorb nutrients and moisture, which can hinder blooming.
How to Do It:
Repot your orchid every 1-2 years or when the roots outgrow the pot.
Use fresh orchid bark or sphagnum moss to provide proper aeration.
Spring is the best time to repot, just after blooming.
6. Simulate Natural Blooming Cycles
Why It Matters: Orchids have natural blooming cycles tied to changes in light and temperature.
How to Do It:

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