Title: « Banana Peels in a Bottle: The Zero-Waste Trick You’ll Love »

Store the banana peel solution in the refrigerator if you plan to use it over a week.
Avoid leaving the mixture in the bottle for too long, as it may ferment and develop a strong odor.
Add Citrus: For an enhanced fertilizer, add lemon or orange peels to the bottle.
Banana Peel Vinegar: Let the mixture ferment for 2-3 weeks to create a multipurpose cleaning solution.
Boost with Epsom Salt: Add a tablespoon of Epsom salt to the bottle for magnesium-enriched plant food.
1. Is the banana peel solution safe for all plants?
Yes, but always dilute the mixture, especially for delicate plants. Overuse of nutrients may cause harm.

2. Can I use old or dried banana peels?
Fresh peels work best, but dried peels can also be rehydrated and used in the same way.

3. How often should I use this on plants?
Use the diluted solution every 1-2 weeks as a supplement to your regular watering schedule.

4. Can this attract bugs?
If left uncovered or overused, it might attract insects. Always seal the bottle tightly and use the solution sparingly.

With this simple method, banana peels go from waste to wonder. Start your zero-waste journey today and discover just how versatile they can be!

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