Title: « Chocolate Swiss Roll: A Decadent Delight for Every Occasion »

Serving: Slice with a sharp knife and serve chilled or at room temperature. Perfect with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.
Storage: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Chocolate Raspberry Roll: Spread raspberry jam under the whipped cream layer for a fruity twist.
Mocha Roll: Add 1 tsp of instant coffee granules to the sponge batter for a mocha flavor.
Nutty Delight: Sprinkle chopped hazelnuts or almonds over the whipped cream before rolling.

Q: Can I make this gluten-free?
A: Yes, substitute the all-purpose flour with a 1:1 gluten-free baking flour.

Q: What if my cake cracks while rolling?
A: Don’t worry! The cracks can be hidden under ganache or powdered sugar, and the flavor will still be fantastic.

Q: Can I make this ahead of time?
A: Absolutely! The Swiss roll can be made a day in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

This Chocolate Swiss Roll is a delightful dessert that combines a tender chocolate sponge with a luscious cream filling. It’s easy to customize, fun to make, and guaranteed to impress. Perfect for any occasion, this roll is as delicious as it is beautiful! 🍫✨

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