Title: « Daily Cucumber Breakfast Salad: A Refreshing Start for Healthy Skin and Digestion »

  1. Wash and Slice
    • Thoroughly rinse all the vegetables.
    • Slice the cucumber into thin rounds. Dice or slice the tomato and onion if you’re including them.
  2. Combine in a Bowl
    • Place the cucumber (and other veggies, if using) in a mixing bowl.
    • Sprinkle with fresh herbs for added flavor.
  3. Dress the Salad
    • In a small jar or bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice (or vinegar), salt, and pepper.
    • Pour the dressing over the veggies and toss gently to coat them evenly.
  4. Taste and Adjust
    • Sample the salad and adjust seasoning with more lemon juice, salt, or pepper, according to your preference.
  5. Serve
    • Enjoy immediately for a crisp texture. If you’re making it the night before, store it in an airtight container in the fridge and give it a quick stir before eating.

Why This Salad is Great for Gut and Skin Health

  • High Water Content: Cucumbers are about 95% water, helping you stay hydrated, which is crucial for healthy digestion and radiant skin.
  • Rich in Fiber: Both cucumbers and tomatoes contain fiber that supports a balanced gut microbiome and regular bowel movements.
  • Packed with Vitamins: Cucumbers are a good source of vitamins K and C, which aid in skin repair and overall well-being.
  • Low-Calorie Start: A light, nutrient-dense breakfast helps keep your energy steady without overwhelming your digestive system early in the day.

Serving and Storage Tips

continued on next page

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