Title: « Dreamy Boston Cream Cheesecake: A Decadent Fusion Dessert »

1 ½ cups (150g) graham cracker crumbs
5 tbsp (70g) unsalted butter or vegan butter, melted
2 tbsp granulated sugar
For the Cheesecake Filling:
16 oz (450g) cream cheese (or vegan cream cheese), softened
¾ cup (150g) granulated sugar
3 large eggs (or flax eggs for vegan)
1 cup (240ml) heavy cream (or coconut cream)
1 tbsp vanilla extract
For the Chocolate Ganache:
1 cup (170g) semisweet chocolate chips or chopped chocolate (vegan, if needed)
½ cup (120ml) heavy cream or coconut cream

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