Title: « Garlic: The Trick to Having It Fresh All Year Round – It’s Very Simple! »

Title: « Garlic: The Trick to Having It Fresh All Year Round – It’s Very Simple! »

Introduction: Garlic is a kitchen staple, prized for its rich flavor and numerous health benefits. Whether you’re using it to add depth to savory dishes or for its immune-boosting properties, garlic is always in demand. But what if you could have fresh garlic available to you all year long? The good news is that it’s easier than you think! With just a simple trick, you can store garlic in a way that keeps it fresh for months, even through the winter months when fresh garlic is harder to come by. Let’s dive into this easy, long-lasting garlic storage technique!

How to Keep Garlic Fresh All Year Round:

The secret to preserving fresh garlic for an entire year lies in a simple process called garlic freezing or garlic curing. Both methods are effective, but let’s go over how you can do it simply.

Method 1: Freezing Garlic (Easy & Convenient)

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