Title: « Grudnik: A Beautiful Flowering Plant for Christmas »

Starting in late September, provide the plant with 12–14 hours of darkness daily for 6-8 weeks.
Place it in a cool, dark room or cover it with a light-proof cloth at night.
Cooler Temperatures:

Keep the plant in a room with a slight drop in temperature (around 15°C or 59°F) to trigger blooming.

Avoid moving the plant during the bud-forming period, as sudden changes in light or temperature can cause buds to fall.
Common Issues and Solutions
1. Dropping Buds
Cause: Changes in temperature, light, or overwatering.
Solution: Maintain a consistent environment and avoid moving the plant.
2. Yellowing Leaves
Cause: Overwatering or poor drainage.
Solution: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and ensure proper drainage.
3. No Blooms
Cause: Insufficient darkness or inconsistent care.
Solution: Follow the light and darkness cycle and reduce watering in the fall.
How to Propagate Grudnik
Take a Cutting:

continued on next page

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