Title: “Homemade Lemon Soap: A Refreshing DIY Project for Clean, Citrus-Kissed Skin”

Prepare Your Workspace

Clean and dry all utensils.
Arrange your soap mold on a flat surface for easy pouring.
Melt the Soap Base

Cut the soap base into small cubes for quicker, even melting.
Place them in a microwave-safe container or double boiler.
Heat in short bursts (20–30 seconds) in the microwave, stirring in between, or use low heat on the stove until fully melted. Avoid overheating.
Add Lemon Zest and Oil

Once melted, remove from heat. Stir in the lemon zest (if using) and the optional carrier oil (sweet almond or coconut).
Ensure the mixture is well combined.
Incorporate Essential Oil

Let the melted soap cool slightly (around 120–130°F or 49–54°C) so the essential oil doesn’t evaporate instantly.
Add 10–15 drops of lemon essential oil, adjusting to the intensity you prefer. Stir gently but thoroughly.
Pour and Set

Pour the mixture into the soap mold.
Tap the mold lightly on the counter to release air bubbles.
Let it sit undisturbed for 1–2 hours at room temperature or place in the fridge to speed up hardening.
Unmold and Cure

continued on next page

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