Title: “Homemade Lemon Soap: A Refreshing DIY Project for Clean, Citrus-Kissed Skin”

Lemon juice’s acidity can affect the soap’s pH and might hinder the soap-making process. It’s best to stick to lemon essential oil or zest for fragrance and mild exfoliation.
2. How long will the lemon scent last?

Essential oil scents can fade over time, especially citrus. To prolong fragrance, store soap in a sealed container and away from direct sunlight.
3. Is there a risk of skin irritation?

Some people may be sensitive to citrus oils. Do a patch test first, especially if you have sensitive skin. Use moderate amounts of essential oil to avoid irritation.
4. Can I add other essential oils?

Absolutely! Lemon pairs well with lavender, rosemary, mint, or even eucalyptus. Just ensure the total essential oil amount remains within safe usage levels.
5. How do I avoid glycerin dew on melt-and-pour soap?

Glycerin in melt-and-pour soap can attract moisture, causing “sweating.” Wrap finished soaps tightly in plastic wrap or store in an airtight container to reduce moisture buildup.
Making homemade lemon soap is a fun, aromatic project that yields beautiful bars perfect for daily use or gifting. Whether you take the quick melt-and-pour route or delve into cold process soap-making, you’ll enjoy the fresh, bright fragrance of lemon every time you wash up. Experiment with scents, colors, and ingredients to create a truly personalized bar that reflects your taste and skincare needs.

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