Title: Juniper Uncovered: A Complete Guide to Its Healing Powers and Everyday Uses

Title: Juniper Uncovered: A Complete Guide to Its Healing Powers and Everyday Uses


Juniper is more than just a decorative evergreen—it’s a powerhouse of medicinal and aromatic potential that has been valued for centuries. From its berries to its essential oils, juniper offers a wide range of health and household uses. Whether you’re sipping it as tea, using it in skincare, or adding it to a diffuser, this guide will walk you through the remarkable benefits and practical applications of this ancient remedy.

Ingredients – What You Can Use from Juniper

  • Dried or fresh juniper berries (non-toxic varieties only)
  • Juniper essential oil (therapeutic-grade)
  • Juniper branches or needles (for smudging or steam)
  • Carrier oil (for topical blends)
  • Water or alcohol (for teas or tinctures)

Preparation – How to Use Juniper

continued on next page

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