Title: « Lemon Ginger Reset Tea: A Refreshing Detox in a Cup »

Best served fresh and hot.
If you prefer to make it in advance, store the tea (without lemon juice) in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Add lemon juice just before reheating.
Iced Version: Let the tea cool, add ice cubes, and enjoy it as a refreshing cold beverage.
Citrus Twist: Add a slice of orange or lime for extra citrus flavor.
Herbal Boost: Toss in fresh mint or basil leaves for a cooling effect.
Spicy Kick: Sprinkle in a dash of cayenne pepper for a metabolism boost.
1. Can I use powdered ginger instead of fresh ginger?
Yes, use ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger if fresh isn’t available, but fresh ginger provides a more robust flavor.

2. Is this tea safe to drink daily?
Absolutely! Drinking it daily can support digestion and immunity, but if you’re pregnant or have a medical condition, consult a doctor about ginger consumption.

3. Can I make this tea caffeine-free?
This tea is naturally caffeine-free, making it perfect for any time of day.

4. Can I skip the sweetener?
Yes, the tea is naturally flavorful and doesn’t need sweetener unless you prefer it.

Sip your way to wellness with this Lemon Ginger Reset Tea and feel the difference it brings to your day!

continued on next page

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