Title: « Natural Cleaning with Baking Soda: Quick and Easy Recipes for a Fresher Home »

  • Small open container (like a bowl or box)
  • Baking soda


  1. Fill the container with baking soda.
  2. Place it on a shelf in the back of your fridge.
  3. Replace every 1–2 months to keep odors at bay.

Why It Works

  • Baking soda naturally absorbs food odors, maintaining a fresh-smelling refrigerator.

6. Grease-Cutting Kitchen Cleaner Spray


  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon mild dish soap
  • Spray bottle


  1. Combine water and baking soda in a spray bottle, shaking gently to dissolve.
  2. Add dish soap and shake again.
  3. Spray onto kitchen surfaces like stovetops, countertops, or range hoods.
  4. Wipe clean with a damp cloth or sponge.

Why It Works

  • Baking soda combats light grease while dish soap adds extra cleaning power.

Extra Tips and Precautions

continued on next page

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