Title: « No More Spending on Toilet Blocks: 3 Simple Products for a Sparkling Clean Toilet! »

Squeeze a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the toilet bowl.
Add hot (not boiling) water to activate the soap.
Scrub with a brush and flush.
Tip: Use dish soap for regular maintenance to prevent buildup.
Bonus Tips for Long-Lasting Cleanliness
Lemon Juice: Add fresh lemon juice to vinegar for a refreshing citrus scent and extra stain-fighting power.
Essential Oils: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (like lavender or eucalyptus) to the water for a pleasant fragrance.
Hydrogen Peroxide: For heavy-duty cleaning, add hydrogen peroxide to vinegar. Let it sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing.
Preventing Stains and Buildup

continued on next page

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