Title: « Say Goodbye to Cockroaches: The Natural Trick to Keep Them Out for Good »

Peppermint Oil or Eucalyptus Oil: Cockroaches dislike strong scents.
Mix 10 drops of essential oil with 1 cup of water and spray it around entry points and dark corners.
2. Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade):
A natural powder that damages the exoskeleton of cockroaches, causing them to dehydrate.
Sprinkle it in cracks, crevices, and areas where cockroaches hide. Reapply after cleaning or if it gets wet.
3. Vinegar and Water Solution:
A cleaning solution that removes cockroach trails and scent markings.
Mix equal parts vinegar and water to clean kitchen counters, floors, and other surfaces.
Preventative Measures to Stop Cockroaches from Entering
Seal Entry Points:

continued on next page

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