Title: Spiders Are Making a Comeback in Our Homes: How to Stop Them

Spiders are often attracted to homes because of the abundance of insects. To reduce the spider population, you’ll need to minimize the food sources in your home. Keep food crumbs cleaned up, use sealed containers for food storage, and regularly empty trash bins. Insects like flies and mosquitoes are the primary food for spiders, so reducing them will discourage spiders from settling in.
Declutter Your Home:

Spiders love to hide in dark, cluttered spaces. Clean and declutter your home, especially in areas such as attics, basements, and closets. By removing hiding spots, you make your home less inviting to spiders. Vacuum and dust regularly, paying extra attention to corners, behind furniture, and under beds.
Use Sticky Traps:

Sticky traps are an excellent way to capture and remove spiders that have already entered your home. Place them in areas where spiders are frequently seen, such as behind furniture, along baseboards, or in dark corners. Once captured, you can dispose of the traps and the spiders inside.
Natural Predators:

Certain insects, such as ladybugs and predatory beetles, are natural predators of spiders. While you may not want to introduce more bugs into your home, having a healthy population of these predators in your garden or around your windows can help keep spiders in check naturally.
Serving and Storage Tips:

continued on next page

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