Title: « Tastier Than Snickers: A Sugar-Free Healthy Dessert in Just 10 Minutes! »

1 cup (100g) pitted dates (soft and juicy)
½ cup (60g) roasted peanuts (unsalted)
¼ cup (30g) almond flour or oats
For the Caramel Layer:
½ cup (100g) pitted dates
2 tbsp almond or peanut butter (sugar-free)
1-2 tbsp water (to adjust consistency)
For the Chocolate Coating:
½ cup (90g) sugar-free dark chocolate (or regular if preferred)
1 tsp coconut oil
1. Prepare the Base:
In a food processor, blend the dates, roasted peanuts, and almond flour until the mixture is sticky and holds together.
Press the mixture evenly into a lined loaf pan or small tray. Set aside.
2. Make the Caramel Layer:
Blend the dates and almond/peanut butter until smooth, adding water 1 tablespoon at a time to reach a creamy caramel consistency.
Spread the caramel layer evenly over the base. Sprinkle with a few extra peanuts for texture.
3. Add the Chocolate Coating:
Melt the sugar-free dark chocolate and coconut oil in a microwave or over a double boiler until smooth.
Pour the melted chocolate over the caramel layer, spreading it evenly.
4. Set and Serve:
Place the tray in the freezer for 10-15 minutes until the dessert is firm.
Slice into bars or squares and enjoy your sugar-free, Snickers-inspired treat!
Tips for Success:

continued on next page

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