Title: « The Magic Trick for Cleaning Your Entire Oven with the Bowl Method: Make It Shine! »

Steam Power: Steam softens stubborn grime, making it easy to wipe away.
Natural Cleaners: Ingredients like vinegar and lemon naturally dissolve grease and eliminate odors.
Minimal Effort: No harsh scrubbing or toxic chemicals needed.
What You’ll Need
A heat-safe bowl or casserole dish
1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of water
Optional: Juice of 1 lemon (for extra grease-cutting and a fresh scent)
A sponge, cloth, or scraper
Step-by-Step Guide to the Bowl Method
1. Prepare the Oven
Remove oven racks and soak them in warm, soapy water while you clean the oven.
Wipe away loose crumbs or debris from the oven interior.
2. Fill the Bowl
In a heat-safe bowl, combine 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of water, and the juice of 1 lemon (optional).
3. Heat the Oven
Preheat the oven to 200°F (95°C).
Place the bowl on the middle rack of the oven.
4. Let It Steam
Close the oven door and let the bowl sit inside for 30-45 minutes.
The steam will loosen grease and baked-on residue from the walls, floor, and door of the oven.
5. Wipe Down the Oven
Turn off the oven and let it cool slightly (but not completely).
Use a damp sponge or cloth to wipe away the loosened grime.
For stubborn spots, dip the sponge in the vinegar-lemon solution and scrub gently.
6. Clean the Racks
After soaking, scrub the oven racks with a sponge or brush to remove grease and residue. Rinse and dry before placing them back in the oven.
Bonus Tips for Stubborn Stains

continued on next page

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