Title: « The Secret to 5x More Orchid Flowers: An All-Natural Fertilizer »

For extra nourishment, use a spray bottle to mist the aerial roots lightly.
Root Soak:

Submerge the orchid’s pot in the fertilizer solution for 10-15 minutes to allow the roots to absorb nutrients deeply.
Other Natural Fertilizers to Boost Orchid Blooms
Eggshell Water:

Soak crushed eggshells in water for 24 hours to create a calcium-rich fertilizer.
Use it once a month to strengthen stems and leaves.
Epsom Salt Solution:

Dissolve ½ teaspoon of Epsom salt in 1 liter of water to provide magnesium, which enhances photosynthesis and flower production.
Coffee Grounds:

Add a small amount of brewed coffee (cooled and diluted) to slightly acidify the soil, which orchids love.
Tips for Maximum Bloom Potential
Provide the Right Light:

Orchids need bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. Too much direct light can scorch the leaves, while too little prevents blooming.
Maintain Proper Humidity:

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