Title: The Surprising Purpose of the Oil Cap – Why You Shouldn’t Throw It Away

Pouring Control: Instead of struggling with a large opening when trying to pour just a small amount of oil, the oil cap often has a controlled opening that helps regulate the flow. This makes pouring more precise, reducing spills and waste, especially when you only need a few drops for cooking.

Measuring Tool: In some cases, the oil cap is designed to serve as a measuring tool. It may have markings inside or an easy way to pour a standard amount of oil, like a teaspoon or tablespoon. This can be incredibly useful when you’re following a recipe and need to add a specific quantity of oil.

Storage Aid: When you store an opened bottle of oil, the cap helps keep the oil fresh longer by reducing exposure to air. The cap tightly seals the bottle, preventing air from causing oxidation and spoiling the oil. Keeping the cap on the bottle after opening is a simple way to extend the oil’s shelf life.

Preventing Leaks: The oil cap can also act as an added seal to prevent accidental leaks. If the bottle is knocked over or stored in a way that could cause it to spill, the oil cap helps secure the bottle and stop the oil from making a mess.

Tips for Using the Oil Cap:

continued on next page

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