Title: “Using Onion and Vaseline for Hair Growth: Myths, Methods, and Realistic Expectations”
A popular internet claim suggests that mixing onion and Vaseline can make hair grow “2 cm per day.” While such rapid growth is biologically impossible—hair generally grows about 1 cm per month on average—some people do use onion juice and Vaseline in their hair care routines to promote healthier, stronger strands. This guide will explain how onion and Vaseline are sometimes used, what realistic benefits you might see, and important safety considerations.
The Myth vs. Reality
Myth: Applying onion and Vaseline to the scalp will increase hair growth by 2 cm per day.
Reality: No scientifically backed method can make human hair grow that quickly. Hair growth rate is primarily determined by genetics, overall health, and scalp condition.
Still, onion juice contains sulfur compounds that may support hair health, and Vaseline (petroleum jelly) can reduce moisture loss from hair and scalp. Combined, they might help with scalp nourishment—just don’t expect instantaneous, dramatic length gains.