Title: « Why Do Spider Plant Leaf Tips Turn Brown? Causes and Solutions »

Fertilize only during the growing season (spring and summer) using a diluted, balanced fertilizer.
Flush the soil every few months by running water through the pot to remove excess salts.
4. Fluoride or Chlorine in Water
Cause: Spider plants are sensitive to fluoride and chlorine, often found in tap water, which can cause tip browning.
Use filtered, distilled, or rainwater for watering.
Let tap water sit out overnight to allow chlorine to evaporate before use.
5. Root Bound
Cause: Spider plants grow rapidly and can become root-bound in their pots, leading to stress and nutrient deficiency.
Repot the plant every 1-2 years into a slightly larger pot with fresh soil.
6. Pest Infestation
Cause: Pests like spider mites or aphids can damage the leaves and cause discoloration.

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