Title: “Why You Should Cut a Lemon in Half and Place It in Your Room: A Natural Air Freshener and More”

Wash the Lemon

Rinse the lemon under running water to remove any dirt or residue. Pat it dry with a clean towel.
Cut It in Half

Use a sharp knife to slice the lemon across its middle. You’ll end up with two halves exposing the juice and pulp.
Place on a Saucer

Put the lemon half cut-side-up on a small dish or saucer. This prevents any sticky juice from damaging surfaces.
Optional Enhancement

If you’d like to boost the scent, sprinkle a few drops of essential oil directly onto the pulp. Alternatively, insert a few cloves or a small piece of cinnamon stick into the lemon for a more complex aroma.
Position in the Room

Place the lemon saucer in a strategic spot, such as near your bed, on a windowsill, or on a countertop—anywhere you’d like to freshen the air.
Serving and Storage Tips

continued on next page

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