How to Use:
Warm a small amount of castor oil in your hands.
Massage it into your scalp and hair roots.
Cover your head with a shower cap and rinse it out in the morning.
4. Soothe Aching Joints and Muscles
Castor oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Massaging it onto sore joints or muscles before bed can provide soothing relief.
5. Promote Relaxation and Better Sleep
Rubbing a small amount of castor oil on your feet before bed can promote relaxation and better sleep. Add a few drops of essential oil for a calming effect.
Final Tip
A little goes a long way with castor oil, so start with small amounts and be patient. Consistency is key to unlocking its full potential.
Try these simple castor oil tricks, and you’ll wake up amazed at the difference. Your future self will thank you!