You’re doing it all wrong. Check out this effective method for cleaning a glass stove top

Baking Soda Paste:
For tougher stains or burnt-on residue, a baking soda paste can work wonders. Create a thick paste by mixing baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply the paste directly to the stains, and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to gently scrub the area in circular motions. Rinse with water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
Razor Blade Scraper:
For extremely stubborn residue that won’t budge with other methods, you can use a razor blade scraper designed for glass surfaces. Hold the blade at a shallow angle to the surface and gently scrape away the residue. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure or use the scraper on the entire surface to avoid scratching.
Dryer Sheet Technique:
Dryer sheets are not just for laundry; they can also be used to clean glass stove tops effectively. The anti-static properties in dryer sheets help loosen and lift grime and stains without scratching the surface.
Start by wetting a few dryer sheets under running water. Make sure they are damp but not dripping wet. Lay the damp dryer sheets over the stained or dirty areas of the glass stove top. Allow them to sit for about 15-20 minutes, giving the natural cleaning agents in the sheets time to work their magic.
After the wait time, use the same damp dryer sheets to gently scrub the surface in circular motions. The softened grime should come off more easily. For stubborn stains, you can add a little baking soda to the damp dryer sheet to create a mildly abrasive paste.

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