Title: « 3-Ingredient Ice Cream: Simple, Creamy, and Irresistible! »

2 cups (480ml) heavy cream (or coconut cream for a vegan option)
1 can (14 oz/400g) sweetened condensed milk (or vegan condensed milk)
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional for added flavor)

Whip the Cream:

In a large mixing bowl, use a hand or stand mixer to whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
Fold in the Sweetened Condensed Milk:

Gently fold the sweetened condensed milk into the whipped cream using a spatula. Be careful not to deflate the mixture.
Add Vanilla (Optional):

Stir in the vanilla extract if using, for a touch of classic ice cream flavor.
Freeze the Ice Cream:

Transfer the mixture into a freezer-safe container. Smooth the top with a spatula, then cover with plastic wrap or a lid.
Freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until firm.
Serve and Enjoy:

continued on next page

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