Title: “Don’t Pour Rice Cooking Water Down the Drain: Here’s Why You’re Missing Out”
After cooking a pot of rice, many people instinctively pour out the leftover starchy water. However, this milky liquid has been used for centuries in various cultures for its numerous practical benefits. From household cleaning to self-care routines, rice cooking water proves surprisingly versatile—and tossing it down the sink means wasting an easy, eco-friendly resource. Read on to learn why you might want to save this nutrient-rich liquid and discover several clever ways to use it.
1. Nourish Your Skin
Natural Facial Cleanser
Why it Works: Rice water contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can help soothe and brighten skin. The starch may also form a gentle protective barrier.
How to Use: Allow the rice water to cool. Dip a cotton pad or cloth into the liquid and gently pat it onto your face. Let it dry and rinse with lukewarm water if needed.
Soothing Bath Soak
Why it Works: Adding rice water to your bath can help calm irritation and soften your skin.
How to Use: Once cooled, pour about 1–2 cups of rice water into a warm bath. Soak for 15–20 minutes for a spa-like experience.
2. Strengthen and Shine Your Hair
Hair Rinse